Where to Recycle or Dispose old Electronics?

Recycling Centres That Accept E-Waste

In case you’re wondering where to dispose your old electronics, selling online is actually a very good place to start. There are a lot of recycling centres located all across the city zolopik.in will help you to sell and recycle your e waste.

In developing countries, like right here in the India even though we have many recycling companies due to lack of awareness many people sell their junk to unorganised sector such as kabadiwala’s which damage to the environment and increasing health risks as they have their own ways of extracting of copper from cables etc.

Here in the India, however, if you want to know where to recycle electronics, you can usually locate a recycling centre in www.zolopik.in  where you reside that accepts e-waste or Call to Schedule pickup 8884122243

Where to Recycle Electronics:

e waste recyclers or dismantlers are the government authorised recyclers where you can take your old electronics or you can request for pickup on Zolopik.in or Call to Schedule pickup 8884122243

There are a number of electronics recyclers in India who take your old electronics off your hands for recycling purposes, and many of them offer this service free of charge. It does not matter where you originally purchased your electronic gadgets from, as long as it is the type of electronic device that the particular retailer accepts for recycling purposes (i.e. cellular phones, printers, televisions, etc.)

If your company is disposing electronic scrap do not forget to collect Form 6 for the sale of old junk from the recycler.

If you are looking for Electronics Recycling Near Me and a secure recycling centre, Book for pickup on Zolopik.in or Call  8884122243

What you can recycle?

Recycle your computer, wires, cpu, hard disk, ram, motherboard, servers, tv, fridge, washing machine, etc etc.

So, now you know where to sell and recycle your old electronics, I hope you decide to become a part of the solution to our planet’s e-waste problem.


Comment on "Where to Recycle or Dispose old Electronics?"

  1. Mareeswari

    Hi,I am Mareeswari.we have disposal e-waste how to contact you

    • zolopikin

      Thank you for reaching out to us. Miss Mareeswari kindly contact 8884122243 or leave WhatsApp message to 8884122243 for faster response.

  2. Somia

    Superb!! So much electronic waste in house.
    Can I sell sell laptop battery n old mobiles not in use?

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